Tagged: play ball already

I “wiz” on Predictions Predictions Predictions….

Day 51


As I roam around the baseball world with all the Spring Training hoopla getting ready to break out, I keep seeing predictions.

This team will win it all. This team will finish last. This team shouldn’t even play the season…

Catch my drift? Predictions are just that- an educated guess at best.

So it’s no secret a lot of people are picking my Rockies to finish second to last in the division. The only team they will finish above is the Padres and they won’t even break .500.

NLW San Francisco Giants      88 74
NLW Arizona Diamondbacks    87 75
NLW Los Angeles Dodgers      84 78
NLW Colorado Rockies            74 88
NLW San Diego Padres           66 96

I’ve read Padre fans like Hyun Young with broken hearts and little hope and guys like Jeff at RSBS with anxiety and dissapointment for his Cardinals. Julia is on a team who’s supposed to finish first so she can be happy. Anybody in between may not know what to feel.

But are you really buying the hoopla?

On paper, Pearl Harbor should have knocked the United States completely out of any war,
pearlharbor.jpgexcept for those carriers who were out to sea. Hitler should have
hitler.jpgtaken over Europe in less than a year except for that pesky little Island known as Great Britain.

Ford must’ve thought the Pinto was a good idea except for the exploding rear gas tank. Or Chevy didn’t forsee launching the Nova in South America where the literal translation in spanish is “no go.”


Chevrolet_Nova_COPO_1970_front_quarter.jpgBush and Rumsfeld saw the United States being cheered in cities of Iraq as liberators except for those IED’s and angry insurgents.

bush-mission.jpgThe Patriots were supposed to be the “perfect” team except for a miracle catch off a helmet.

giants miracle catch.jpgIt MAY look good on paper, but fear not fans of those teams not picked to make any difference in baseball this year. Fear not. Juggernauts fall like Goliath and chemistry may never take hold in multi-hundred million dollar teams.

Aces get hurt, stars fall and burn out. Just because it looks good on paper does not make it so.

We play 162 (sometimes 163) games in order to determine who plays more. Not listening to MLB television or Sports Illustrated or talking heads on ESPN. Players play and until that “fat lady sings,” hold faith.

It may not look good. It may not seem good. It may not even remotely feel good, but players play and fans cheer until that outcome has been determined.

Are you a fan or just someone who takes predictions as fact?

I can here it it faintly in my brain now “let’s go Rooockies, clap clap, clap clap clap, let’s go Rooockies…”

58 degrees close enough for me! An ode to baseball weather

Day 47


I don’t know what the weather was today in your area, but it was 58 degrees in the places I was and that is close enough for me. Play ball…already…

I know, it’s close enough to feel it and in a couple of weeks the start of spring training brings the start of the season not far behind.

Today I was excited and felt closer to baseball then at anytime since the end of the season. The reason.

Play ball…already…

I’m sure it will snow again in the near future and my hopes will be diminished for awhile. But I will hold out hope for those 58 degree days to turn to 68 and 78 and close my eyes remembering the sounds, smells sights of the ballpark.  

Play ball…already…

The windows get closed as the breeze becomes colder tonight but tomorrow is forecast for similar temperatures and dreams and excitement build all over again.

The internet buzzes with baseball news and the television scrolls tidbits on pitching. Blogs get blogged and airline flights get logged.

Play ball…already…

Time to take a rest and read the paper on who’s in the good weather doing best. The buses have left and fans will follow.

For now the reality will be a little less hollow.

Play ball…already…